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Custom Apparel & Headwear

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No fade guarantee

We guarantee that your print will not peel or fade

Order accuracy guarantee

We guarantee that the order you receive will match the creative proof you approve

Top Quality Guarantee

We will do our best to make sure your artwork is printed at the highest quality achievable

No Hidden Fees Guarantee

If there are any additional fees required to get this job done right we will take care of it.

Call Us

A 100 piece minimum is needed for an account rep to handle your order.

For online orders

Screen Printing: 25 pieces minimum
Embroidery: 25 pieces minimum
Water-based Transfers: 1 piece minimum
Direct-to-Garment: 1 piece minimum
Patches: 25 pieces minimum

Office: (323) 261-8700

9 AM – 5:30 PM PST

Request a Callback

Please provide the best contact number for our team to reach out to you on, your account rep will reach out within 24-48 business hours.

A 100 piece minimum is needed for an account rep to handle your order.