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AS Colour

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AS Colour

AS Colour

About the Brand

AS Colour

Quality basics are designed and produced by AS Colour for both retail and wholesale, providing safe, just, legal, and compassionate working conditions in hand-selected factories. At AS Colour, the top factories in each specialization are sought for. Before deciding on which factory would produce their items, they may interview up to fifty. Every plant has a guaranteed output capacity and a specific fabric on which to build. Every six weeks, all of their factories receive a consistent order, providing them with stability in terms of labor and money. They opt to collaborate closely with fewer factories that they are familiar with. It’s significant to note that throughout their supply chain, AS Colour’s goods are all manufactured under safe, just, lawful, and compassionate working circumstances.

AS Colour - A Closer Look

AS Colour has built a brand around making exceptional quality garments built to last, which is very much in line with DTLA Print’s goal of making quality merch people actually want to wear for a long time. While we have a wide selection of AS Colour products available for customization, here are a few to get you started:

Custom AS Colour Surf Cap 1114

Surf Cap

This surf hat is one of our top selling products. Crafted with precision and care, this mid-profile snapback cap is designed to turn heads wherever you go. A perfect match for the year-round sun in Los Angeles, it will keep your head warm and the sun out of your eyes at all times.

Depending on your specific use case, water-based transfers or embroidery might be more appropriate. Check out our exploration of what factors might be important to consider when ordering this custom surf cap from DTLA Print.

Custom AS Colour Women's Crop Tee 4062

Women’s Crop Tee

The AS Colour Women’s Crop Tee 4062 is another favorite that pairs well with the surf cap.